Workshops are tailored to the needs of our clients. We work closely with you to build workshops that will offer you and your organization the most value. Workshops generally focus on strong content and information sharing that is interspersed with exercises, activities and thought provoking ideas to challenge and advance knowledge retention, skills acquisition, and productivity.
We make serious learning FUN!
Workshops are generally offered as:
-Half-day workshops
-Full-day workshops
-2-day workshops
Harness The Power of Difference
Work environments are filled with people from other cultures influenced by—race, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, organizational affiliation, socioeconomic status… Learn expert techniques to identify, recognize and reflect on how best to seek value from difference. Harness the power of diversified thoughts and experiences to build teams, shape corporate culture, and add edge to your business’s ability to outperform the competition.
Negotiating to Win!
Negotiate, find leverage, and create value propositions using a principled versus a positional approach. Bargain for advantage while building relationships and win every time.
Nonverbal Communication
Understanding nonverbal communication means gaining advantage in business and in life. By gaining insight into the science of nonverbal communication you'll put this information to use immediately, enhancing your likeability, presence, and persuasiveness. Increase your level of trustworthiness, elevate your sense of self-confidence and gain compliance through simple and effective techniques. Leverage advantage by reading body language and knowing how to respond effectively.
Transforming Conflict
Conflict management to conflict transformation; learn the skills to build relationships, preempt disputes and rebuild after conflict. Attendees get the inside scoop on how to use conflict as a strength.
Presentations that Wow!
Audience centered presentation and the effective use of PowerPoint is the name of the game for this workshop! Use dynamic tools to wow your audience! An audience that’s engaged will find value in you and your organization.
Speaking with Confidence & Impact
“Imagine the audience naked” is often not a helpful cliché for effective public speaking. Using tried and true techniques that include audience analysis, confidence building exercises including self-talk, emotion modulation and a host of nonverbal communication skills, this workshop moves you towards refined, eloquent public speaking engagements. From a persuasive speech to an informative speech, you’ll walk away with a toolbox full of techniques and skills that will help you organize your thoughts and enhance your public speaking prowess.
The Power of Storytelling--Attract Customers & Increase Sales
More and more, storytelling is becoming the single most important tool someone in sales can use. Today’s customers are smart, knowledgeable and technically savvy when it comes to buying products and services. What customers don’t know is how a particular product can influence or impact their lives. Stories about how another has used, benefited from, or transformed because of a particular product or service are essential for closing a sale. This practical and interactive course will help those in sales roles to be more successful with their customers, to close more business deals, and increase brand recognition.
*1 STORY 4 PLATFORMS -- Narrative Nonfiction
That’s right, you simply can’t make this stuff up! Learn the tools and techniques of crafting a compelling story. From the written word to the spoken word, this workshop will focus learners on Dr. Z’s “1 STORY, 4 PLATFORMS” approach (READ | LISTEN | WATCH | CONVERSE). In the 1 STORY 4 PLATFORMS program, we'll share the tools and techniques necessary to move a compelling story from the page to a podcast. You'll then learn how to edit the material into a video. Finally, we'll practice the techniques of crafting an engaging face-to-face encounter for those impromptu opportunities that arise with potential customers, clients, and investors.
*This workshop can be tailored to focus on one media outlet, or
four, and crafted to fit the beginner or the advanced storyteller.